TIPILIUKE California Quail
Season: May & July and August (not June)
Great Wing Shooting for Wild Quail
Coveys of over one hundred birds! In the 1950’s California quail were released on the property, and since then they have thrived. Since this is primarily a trout destination nobody paid much attention to them until I did an exploratory trip down there several years ago. Now we have resident experienced bird guides and good bird dogs there. In May it makes a great cast and blast trip. (See Argentina fishing) We have marked over 50 coveys, and usually hunt from covey to covey.
The lodge is one of my all time favorites. I can’t brag or come up with enough suitable adjectives to adequately describe the overall experience at Tipiliuke. From the food and accommodations, to the outstanding hosts and their staff, it’s just a remarkably great time.
You fly into Chepelco from BA which is on the property so it’s a very easy transfer. This can be a standalone destination or an add-on. Call for current pricing.
I haven’t found better wild quail hunting anywhere else including Texas.
Chuck Larsen (404) 457-6581 e-mail: chuck@burntpine-travel.com